Venice 0.7beta


Provides class abstractions and operators on real world financial objects such as portfolio, stock and trade.


Interface Summary
Account Generic interface for all financial account objects.

Class Summary
AbstractAccount Base class for all accounts.
AccountDialog A dialog that allows the user to enter an account name and currency.
AccountTable Display an account summary in a swing table for a portfolio.
CashAccount Representation of a cash account in a portfolio.
Portfolio Representation of a portfolio.
PortfolioModule Venice module for displaying a portfolio to the user.
PortfolioParserException An exception raised when there is an error parsing a portfolio.
PortfolioReader This class parses portfolios written in XML format.
PortfolioSymbolComboBox A combo box which displays all the symbols traded in a portfolio.
PortfolioWriter This class writes portfolios in XML format.
ShareAccount Representation of a share account in a portfolio.
StockHolding Representation of a single stock holding in a share account.
StockHoldingTable Display stock holdings in a swing table for a ShareAccount.
Transaction Representation of a single transaction on the portfolio.
TransactionDialog A dialog for letting the user add a new Transaction.
TransactionModule Venice module for displaying a portfolio's transaction history to the user.

Package Description

Provides class abstractions and operators on real world financial objects such as portfolio, stock and trade.

Venice 0.7beta