Venice 0.7beta


Contains code to execute all the expressions in the Gondola scripting language.


Class Summary
AbsExpression An expression which calculates the absolute value of a number.
AbstractExpression The abstract base class for all expressions in the Gondola language.
AddExpression An expression which adds two sub-expressions.
AndExpression An expression which performs boolean and on two sub-expressions.
ArithmeticExpression Abstract base class for the arithmetic expressions: +, /, *, -
AvgExpression An expression which finds the average quote over a given trading period.
BBLExpression An expression which finds the BBL (Bollinger Band Lower) quote over a given trading period.
BBUExpression An expression which finds the BBU (Bollinger Band Upper) quote over a given trading period.
BinaryExpression Abstract base class for all expressions requiring two arguments.
ClauseExpression A clause is an ordered list of sub-expressions.
ComparisionExpression Abstract base class for the comparision expressions: >, <, ==, !
CorrExpression An expression which finds the correleation between two stock quotes.
CosineExpression An expression which returns the cosine value.
DayExpression A function that returns the current day of month.
DayOfWeekExpression A function that returns the current day of week.
DayOfYearExpression A function that returns the current day of year.
DefineVariableExpression A representation of a variable definition.
DivideExpression An expression which divides two sub-expressions.
EMAExpression An expression which finds the EMA (Exponential Moving Average) quote over a given trading period.
EqualThanExpression An expression which compares the two sub-expressions for equality.
ExponentialExpression An expression which returns the exponential value.
ForExpression An expression which represents the for command.
GetVariableExpression A representation of an expression to return the value of a variable.
GreaterThanEqualExpression An expression which compares whether the first expression is greater than or equal to the second expression.
GreaterThanExpression An expression which compares whether the first expression is greater than the second expression.
IfExpression An expression which represents the control flow of if (x) y else z.
LagExpression An expression which returns a quote.
LessThanEqualExpression An expression which compares whether the first expression is less than or equal to the second expression.
LessThanExpression An expression which compares whether the first expression is less than the second expression.
LogarithmExpression An expression which returns the logarithm value.
LogicExpression Abstract base class for the boolean expressions: and, or
MACDExpression An expression which finds the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) over a default trading period.
MaxExpression An expression which finds the maximum quote over a given trading period.
MinExpression An expression which finds the minimum quote over a given trading period.
MomentumExpression An expression which finds the Momentum over a given trading period.
MonthExpression A function that returns the current month.
MultiplyExpression An expression which multiplies two sub-expressions.
NotEqualExpression An expression which compares the two sub-expressions for inequality.
NotExpression An expression which performs boolean not on the sub-expressions.
NumberExpression A representation of a value.
OBVExpression An expression which finds the OBV (On Balance Volume) over a given trading period.
OrExpression An expression which performs boolean or on two sub-expressions.
PercentExpression An expression which returns the given percent of a value.
QuaternaryExpression Abstract base class for all expressions requiring four arguments.
QuoteExpression Class that represents a quote kind, e.g. day open, day close, etc.
RSIExpression An expression which finds the RSI over a given trading period.
SetVariableExpression A representation of an expression to set and return the value of a variable.
SineExpression An expression which returns the sine value.
SqrtExpression An expression which calculates the square root of a number.
StandardDeviationExpression An expression which finds the standard deviation of a quote over a given trading period.
StringExpression A representation of a value.
SubtractExpression An expression which subtracts two sub-expressions.
SumExpression An expression which finds the sum of quotes over a given trading period.
TerminalExpression Abstract base class for all expressions requiring no arguments.
TernaryExpression Abstract base class for all expressions requiring three arguments.
TrendExpression An expression which generates the trend line over the quote and extrapolates the next value.
UnaryExpression Abstract base class for all expressions requiring a single argument.
WhileExpression An expression which represents the while command.
YearExpression A function that returns the current year.

Package Description

Contains code to execute all the expressions in the Gondola scripting language.

Venice 0.7beta