Venice 0.7beta


Provides a variety of functionality that is shared between each of the other packages.


Class Summary
BMPFile Writes a bitmap from a BufferedImage.
Converter Contains a set of general conversion functions.
Currency An immutaable representation of Currency.
ExchangeRate An immutable representation of an Exchange Rate.
ExchangeRateCache Cache of exchange rates.
ImageFilter Image filter for dialog boxes.
Locale This class implements internationalisation support for Venice.
Money An immutable representation of Money.
MoneyFormatException An exception which is raised when there is a problem parsing a moeny field.
Report Manages a report or log.
TradingDate A replacement date for java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar & java.sql.Date.
TradingDateComparator A comparator for comparing TradingDate objects.
TradingDateFormatException An exception which is raised when there is a problem parsing a date.
TradingTime A replacement time for java.util.Calendar.
TradingTimeFormatException An exception which is raised when there is a problem parsing a time.
UnknownCurrencyCodeException An exception which is raised when an unrecognised currency code is passed to the Currency class.

Package Description

Provides a variety of functionality that is shared between each of the other packages.

Venice 0.7beta