Venice 0.7beta


Contains the graphs available for the charting module.


Interface Summary
Graph Provides a common interface to allow the charting module to support a variety of graphs.
GraphUI Defines a user interface for a graph.

Class Summary
AbstractGraph Set the default values for a graph based on a single GraphSource.
AdvanceDeclineGraph Advance/Decline graph.
BarChartGraph Barchart graph.
BarGraph Horizontal bar graph.
BollingerBandsGraph Bollinger Bands graph.
CandleStickGraph Candlestick graph.
CountbackLineGraph 3 Bar Nett Countback lines.
CountbackLineGraphUI 3 Bar Nett Count back line User Interface
CustomGraph Graph a Gondola expression.
CustomGraphUI The custom graph user interface.
ExpMovingAverageGraph Exponentially Smoothed Moving Average graph.
ExpMovingAverageGraphUI The exponential smoothed moving average graph user interface.
HighLowBarGraph High low bar graph.
LineGraph Simple line graph.
MACDGraph Moving Average Convergence Divergence graph.
MACDGraphUI The MACD graph user interface.
MomentumGraph Momentum graph.
MovingAverageGraph Simple Moving Average graph.
MultipleMovingAverageGraph Multiple Moving Average graph.
OBVGraph On Balance Volume (OBV) graph.
PeriodGraphUI A generic graph user interface that queries the user for a period.
PointAndFigureGraph Point and Figure graph.
PointAndFigureGraphUI The Point and Figure graph user interface.
RSIGraph Grpah of the RSI (Relative Strength Indicator).
RSIGraphUI The RSI graph user interface.
StandardDeviationGraph Standard Deviation graph.
SupportAndResistenceGraph Support and Resistence "graph".

Package Description

Contains the graphs available for the charting module.

Venice 0.7beta